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So, that was 2011…

And, what a year it was! The standout highlight was without a doubt in July when Richard Parks completed his epic world first, 737 Challenge (which we happily picked up a design award for).

Limegreen Studios at Christmas

In October, we helped launch Cardiff and Vale College’s new brand into the world with a new website and prospectus, but it didn’t stop there – the rest of the year was packed working on some incredible brands across the UK and beyond.

We’re thrilled to have welcomed on board a host of fantastic new clients and added two new members of staff to our ranks. But probably the biggest news was Independence Day; liberating the minority share Freshbaked Group owned in Limegreentangerine.

We’re proud to say we’re 100% pure again, free from artificial additives! But that’s just the beginning. Expect big things in 2012 (our 10th Anniversary year) including the development of a handful of new brands, a national online directory relaunch and a social media app, plus we’ll be introducing a new look for us – just some of the things in the pipeline…

So after all that (and more), we’ll be closing the studio at noon on Wednesday 21st December, returning all refreshed and raring to go on Wednesday 4th January… so to everyone – friends, clients and suppliers – thank you and have a great festive period.